Monday, November 12, 2012

MINUS AW 2012/2013

AW 2012/2013

Imagine a journey towards a rudimentary cosmogonical ideal. A one way ticket to an imaginary space, where all elements around you circumvent and disassociate from each other by themselves, thriving to reach the perfect balance between shape and color and where the cold atmosphere has the capacity to cast the raw material into the cleanest shapes. A timeless dimension in which long days completed by sleepless nights create consistent, strong colors, a dimension of everlasting shapes and  structures. A discreet space, by definition, but complex by its spirit. MINUS by Moogu arose at the intersection of these features – it is an exclusive collection made of 15 silver pieces, casted in simple,  yet unconventional shapes, able to accommodate harmoniously Iris Onyx hoists: semiprecious stones, with a strong color, “broken” aspect and a honeycombed texture. The term MINUS is a direct reference to the negative pole of the units of temperature measurement, while the concept is based on the natural minimalism.

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